
A Call Girl Named Rosemarie I Often Think of Piroschka

Double Feature

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See real-life scandal in Rolf Thiele's A Call Girl Named Rosemarie and sparkling rural comedy in Kurt Hoffmann's I Often Think of Piroschka. Rolf Thiele's A Call Girl Named Rosemarie, winner of the Golden Globe for Best Foreign Film, is based on a real-life scandal involving the murder of a Frankfurt prostitute with clients in the highest echelons of West Germany's political and industrial circles. With Nadja Tiller, Peter van Eyck, and Gert Frobe. (1959; 100 mins.)

A sparkling comedy set in rural Hungary, Kurt Hoffmann's I Often Think of Piroschka features West German film star Liselotte Pulver as a student on holiday experiencing bewildering but romantic cultural differences. (1955; 96 mins.)

Season Support

Support for the 2002Ò03 film/video season provided by the Rohauer Collection Foundation and the Corporate Annual Fund of the Wexner Center Foundation.

International films, documentaries, and visiting filmmaker presentations presented with support from the Ohio Arts Council.

Event Support

Organized by the Film Society of Lincoln Center, together with the Goethe-Institut New York, and made possible through the extraordinary generosity of KirchMedia. Series selected and curated by Klaus Eder and Hans Kahl, with the assistance of Richard Pea. Additional funding from the National Endowment for the Arts.


A Call Girl Named Rosemarie I Often Think of Piroschka